Daniel Johannsen

"When it comes to turning (German-language) texts into music, Daniel Johannsen currently marks the pinnacle of sensual conveyance of meaning." This is how the Leipziger Volkszeitung hymnally reviews the 2023 OPUS KLASSIK nominated CD 360° Hugo Wolf, which the Viennese-born tenor presented together with the pianist Andreas Fröschl. In 2023-24, his agenda includes numerous projects with Hans-Christoph Rademann as well as several concerts for the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna. Under the baton of Martin Haselböck, Daniel Johannsen will make his debut as Evangelist in Los Angeles, and under Kent Nagano he will be heard in Bach's "Christmas Oratorio" in Munich

Matthias Koziorowski

Since the beginning of the 2021/22 season, Matthias Koziorowski has been a resident guest of the Graz Opera ensemble. In 2023/24 he will make his role debut there in the title role of Offenbach's "Les contes d'Hoffmann"

David Lee

The tenor David Lee is the winner of numerous prizes and awards. David Lee has been a member of the ensemble at the Staatstheater Darmstadt since the 2017-18 season. In 2018-19 the tenor made his role debut as Riccardo / Gustavo III (Un ballo in maschera), appeared in the new productions of the "Magic Flute" as Tamino and in Saint-Saëns´ "Saint François d'Assise" as Frère Massée. In 2019-20 he made his role debut as Edgardo in "Lucia di Lammermoor".

Martin Platz

Martin Platz is a permanent ensemble member of the Nuremberg State Theatre, where as a lyric tenor he sang roles such as Belmonte in "Die Entführung aus dem Serail", Tamino in "Die Zauberflöte", Don Ottavio in "Don Giovanni" and the haute contre roles from Rameau's "Platée" and "Les Indes galantes". In the 2022/23 season he appeared in Nuremberg as Alan Turing in the world premiere of Anno Schreier's opera "Turing". Martin Platz enjoys a lively collaboration with Jordi Savall, with whom he made his debut at the Salzburg Festival as tenor soloist in Handel's "Messiah", among other projects.

Andreas Post

In 2023 he performed repeatedly at the Isarphilharmonie in J.S. Bach's St Matthew Passion with the Münchener Bach-Chor under Hansjörg Albrecht, where he was invited again for 2024. Also under Hansjörg Albrecht, he can be heard in Handel's “Saul” at the Laeiszhalle Hamburg in 2023. In the same year he will give a guest performance of Bach's “Christmas Oratorio” in the renowned Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim. With the Stuttgart Hymnus Chorknaben he will return to the Stuttgart Liederhalle in 2023 with Haydn's “Creation”, to name but a few stops.

Florian Sievers

In 2024 Florian Sievers will be heard as the Evangelist in Bach's "St John Passion" with the RIAS Chamber Choir and the Akademie für Alte Musik under Justin Doyle in Berlin and Paris. In the opera "J. S. Bach - The Apocalypse" (production: Opera2Day with the Netherlands Bach Society), which premiered in 2022, he will also sing the leading role of Jan van Leyden in over 20 performances in the Netherlands and Germany in 2024, including at the Royal Theatre The Hague and the Bachfest Leipzig.

Daniel Johannsen

"When it comes to turning (German-language) texts into music, Daniel Johannsen currently marks the pinnacle of sensual conveyance of meaning." This is how the Leipziger Volkszeitung hymnally reviews the 2023 OPUS KLASSIK nominated CD 360° Hugo Wolf, which the Viennese-born tenor presented together with the pianist Andreas Fröschl. In 2023-24, his agenda includes numerous projects with Hans-Christoph Rademann as well as several concerts for the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna. Under the baton of Martin Haselböck, Daniel Johannsen will make his debut as Evangelist in Los Angeles, and under Kent Nagano he will be heard in Bach's "Christmas Oratorio" in Munich

Matthias Koziorowski

Since the beginning of the 2021/22 season, Matthias Koziorowski has been a resident guest of the Graz Opera ensemble. In 2023/24 he will make his role debut there in the title role of Offenbach's "Les contes d'Hoffmann"

David Lee

The tenor David Lee is the winner of numerous prizes and awards. David Lee has been a member of the ensemble at the Staatstheater Darmstadt since the 2017-18 season. In 2018-19 the tenor made his role debut as Riccardo / Gustavo III (Un ballo in maschera), appeared in the new productions of the "Magic Flute" as Tamino and in Saint-Saëns´ "Saint François d'Assise" as Frère Massée. In 2019-20 he made his role debut as Edgardo in "Lucia di Lammermoor".

Martin Platz

Martin Platz is a permanent ensemble member of the Nuremberg State Theatre, where as a lyric tenor he sang roles such as Belmonte in "Die Entführung aus dem Serail", Tamino in "Die Zauberflöte", Don Ottavio in "Don Giovanni" and the haute contre roles from Rameau's "Platée" and "Les Indes galantes". In the 2022/23 season he appeared in Nuremberg as Alan Turing in the world premiere of Anno Schreier's opera "Turing". Martin Platz enjoys a lively collaboration with Jordi Savall, with whom he made his debut at the Salzburg Festival as tenor soloist in Handel's "Messiah", among other projects.

Andreas Post

In 2023 he performed repeatedly at the Isarphilharmonie in J.S. Bach's St Matthew Passion with the Münchener Bach-Chor under Hansjörg Albrecht, where he was invited again for 2024. Also under Hansjörg Albrecht, he can be heard in Handel's “Saul” at the Laeiszhalle Hamburg in 2023. In the same year he will give a guest performance of Bach's “Christmas Oratorio” in the renowned Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim. With the Stuttgart Hymnus Chorknaben he will return to the Stuttgart Liederhalle in 2023 with Haydn's “Creation”, to name but a few stops.

Florian Sievers

In 2024 Florian Sievers will be heard as the Evangelist in Bach's "St John Passion" with the RIAS Chamber Choir and the Akademie für Alte Musik under Justin Doyle in Berlin and Paris. In the opera "J. S. Bach - The Apocalypse" (production: Opera2Day with the Netherlands Bach Society), which premiered in 2022, he will also sing the leading role of Jan van Leyden in over 20 performances in the Netherlands and Germany in 2024, including at the Royal Theatre The Hague and the Bachfest Leipzig.
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